*Scroll down to view past recipients and access to written presentations.

As one of its highest distinctions, the Society seeks to encourage and recognize outstanding achievement by distinguished scholars from the fields of the arts, letters, or sciences who have made significant contributions to the health professions.

The Lecture Award is presented during the Annual National Convention of the Society which is held virtually on the third Saturday in March.

Submissions DUE January 15


“Unstoppable: Becoming A Force of Nature”

2025 Rho Chi Lecture Award
Frank Romanelli, Pharm.D, PHD, MPH, FAPhA, BCPS, AAHIVP

Some have suggested that traditional approaches to hiring, sorting, and selecting students, employees, and leaders are increasingly producing anemic results.  Tried and true approaches of relying on grade point averages, standardized test scores, and college or residency pedigrees alone will likely become increasingly antiquated markers of potential success.  The challenge to look away from discrete, well recognized, easily measurable, and familiar data points is complicated by an educational environment that emphasizes and at times reveres conventional assessments.

Many external factors including but not limited to the advent and quickly evolving nature of artificial intelligence should be forcing individuals and systems to move beyond familiar and discrete data points, to better identify those people who possess bold thinking, a passionate approach to task, a natural sense of curiosity, dedication, and the ability to engage in appropriate and influential interpersonal exchanges.

We must start asking “how likely are the people we are admitting, hiring, and licensing to be a force of nature?”  Moving in this direction may require risk taking and counter-intuitive thinking.  A continued reliance simply on markers which reveal test taking abilities and raw knowledge attainment alone will continue to produce the same results across the spectrum of education.  Challenges in health care and particularly in pharmacy demand that individuals and the Academy begin examining new questions.  What makes a person a force of nature?  How can colleges and schools better identify individuals who can be a force and how can those colleges and schools as well as employers ignite these personalities so that their passion is sparked and not stifled?



To encourage and recognize outstanding achievement by distinguished scholars from the fields of the arts, letters, or sciences who have made significant contributions to the health professions.

Nature of the Award

The Award consists of an inscribed plaque recognizing the individual’s achievement and a $1000.00 award for presenting the Rho Chi Lecture at the Annual National Convention of the Society.

Who is Eligible

Nominees may be selected from any area of arts, letters, or sciences (education, research, industry, government), or from any other field as long as the accomplishments or achievements have significantly contributed to the advancement of the health professions. The dossiers of nominees should document consistent and balanced contributions to education, research and service in the health professions.

Evaluation of Nominees

The Rho Chi Lecture Award Committee will evaluate nominees in light of the established criteria for the Award and provide a ranking of qualified nominees with recommendations for the lecture award (up to three nominees) to the Executive Council of Rho Chi. At the July meeting of the Rho Chi Executive Council, the Lecture Award Committee shall provide to the Executive Council a brief justification for each nominee recommended as a possible recipient. The Lecture Award Committee may recommend that the Award not be presented in any given year. Nominees will be evaluated based upon criteria in the following areas:

– Education

Includes but is not limited to effectiveness in undergraduate, professional and graduate instruction; curriculum development and innovation; accomplishments of former students; honors and awards; and invited lectureships. The important qualities are the achievements that have advanced the health profession.

– Research and Other Scholarly Activities

Considers research and creative scholarship relative to the health professions. When publications are considered, quality is of greater importance than quantity.

– Other Contributions

Other contributions to and activities that have significantly bolstered the advancement of the health professions.

* Adopted by Executive Council action March 10, 1997

(Once you download the completed submission form, please save for your files and send supporting dossier information to the Rho Chi Society National Office via email: rhochisociety@umich.edu.)


A. Nominations may be made by any member of the Rho Chi Society.

B. Contents of the dossier shall include the following separate sections, each beginning on a new page:

  1. A nomination abstract used by the Lecture Award Committee in its evaluation of nominees.
  2. A cover letter from the nominator emphasizing the reasons for the nomination and summarizing the accomplishments or achievements of the nominee. The cover letter should put his/her contributions to the advancement of the health professions into perspective in such a way that a person from another discipline can understand and appreciate the significance of the nominee’s contributions (this should not exceed two single-spaced pages).
  3. A comprehensive current curriculum vitae of the nominee that includes education, appointments, activities, memberships, awards and honors, and other relevant data.
  4. No more than five (5) letters of endorsement from others commenting on the nominee’s professional accomplishments in the health professions are strongly encouraged. The endorsements should focus on the accomplishments of the nominee and at least two endorsements must come from persons outside the nominee’s home institution to indicate the impact the nominee’s contributions have had nationally and internationally.
  5. The nominee must be active in his/her discipline and recognized by their peers as one of the leaders in the advancement of the health professions.

C. Individuals who have been nominated, but not selected, may be reconsidered without prejudice. Nominations will be maintained for two years: the original year of nomination plus the succeeding year. The Lecture Award Committee Chair will contact nominators of the Lecture Award nominees from the previous year who were not selected as the recipient and invite them to submit an updated nomination package. If no updated nomination is forthcoming, the original nomination dossier will be reconsidered in the current year’s Lecture Award recipient selection cycle.

D. Nominations and supportive materials must be submitted electronically by January 15 of the year preceding the Lecture Award, please email materials to: RhoChiSociety@umich.edu.

Past Recipients

*Presentations & Videos – click here to view

2025Frank Romanelli
2024Sean D. Sullivan
2023Marie A. Chisholm-Burns
2022Jean M. Nappi
2021Henry J. Mann
2020No recipient due to pandemic
2019Mary H. H. Ensom
2018James Dalton
2017Amy M. Haddad
2016Harold N. Godwin
2015James C. Cloyd, PharmD, FCCP, FAPhA
2014William E. Evans
2013Joseph T. DiPiro
2012Victoria F. Roche
2011John D. Grabenstein
2010Stephen W. Schondelmeyer
2009Henri R. Manasse, Jr.
2008William H. Campbell
2007Daniel A. Hussar
2006Milap C. Nahata
2005Charles D. Hepler
2004Mary Anne Koda-Kimble
2003Richard P. Penna
2002Charles O. Rutledge
2001Louis Ignarro
2000Harold H. Wolfe
1999Philip S. Portoghese
1998David J. Triggle
1997George Zografi
1996Alice M. Clark
1995Kenneth A. Bachman
1994Ronald F. Borne
1993John G. Wagner
1992William O. Foye
1991Tom S. Miya
1990Leslie Z. Benet
1989James T. Doluisio
1988August P. Lemberger
1987Jere E. Goyan
1986Lawrence C. Weaver
1985E. R. Garrett
1984J. V. Swintosky
1983Varro E. Tyler
1982William Heller
1981Corwin Hansch
1980William Blockstein
1979Mickey C. Smith
1978Louis C. Lasagna
1977Gerhard Levy
1976David Cowen
1975Edmund Pellegrino
1974Richard E. Schultes
1973Donald C. Brodie
1972Max Tischler
1971Takeru Higuchi
1970David Tedcschi
1969W. Louis Nobles
1968Alfred N. Martin
1967Glen Sonnedecker
1966Alfred Burger
1965Gordon Svoboda