The Rho Chi Society, est. 1922
The Rho Chi Society was established in May 1922. Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Chapters initiated new members the same week in June 1922. They transformed from the original Aristolochite Society, visit our History page for more information.
The Society has 146 chartered chapters as of 2022 of which 136 are active chapters.
View lists of Chapters and Past Presidents.
PX Past Presidents Video Messages
Emmanuelle Schwartzman, PharmD, CDE, BCACP, APh
Past President
Susan M. Meyer, PhD, FNAP
Past President
Paul W. Jungnickel, Ph.D., R.Ph.
Past President
John R. Reynolds, Pharm.D.
Past President
Robert L. McCarthy, Ph.D., FAPhA
Past President
Karen L. Rascati, Ph.D.
Past President
Gary E. DeLander Ph.D., RPh, FAPhA
Past President
Gary P. Stoehr, Pharm.D.
Past President
Curtis D. Black, Ph.D.
Past President
Our Founders
The Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Chapter founders all transferred into The Rho Chi Society and initiated new members in June 1922.
Alpha Chapter
University of Michigan
Beta Chapter
Oregon State University
Gamma Chapter
The University of Oklahoma
Rho Chi Insignia
Pride of Rho Chi
Certificate, key pin, cord

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