The Chapter Delegate is required to vote online in Rho Chi elections held March 1st-4th, 2024 in order for their chapter to be recorded as “in attendance” of the annual meeting even though it takes place separately from the virtual annual meeting date. A link will be emailed directly to the registered chapter delegate to vote online within the time frame listed.

NEW RULES: Attendance at the 2024 National Convention is defined as voting online AND attending the virtual annual meeting. Per National Bylaws, three consecutive absences from the annual meeting will result in that chapter becoming inactive.

Each Rho Chi Society Chapter is required to:
1. Vote online via link emailed to one registered chapter delegate, AND
2. Attend the virtual annual meeting on 3/16 for chapter to be recorded as “In Attendance”.

*To Register to attend the annual meeting and receive meeting link, click here.
All Rho Chi members welcome to join the annual meeting!

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Mark Your Calendars!

The 100th Rho Chi Society Annual Meeting will be held virtually on

Saturday, March 16, 2024
1:00 pm EST ~ Virtual via Zoom

Annual Meeting details and downloads:
Contact the National Office with any questions at

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