New Member Eligibility Bylaws (Article III: Members, Section 3 Updated)
Latest Revision August, 2023
Download printable version of current Bylaws here
Download the 2022 Supplemental Guide here
The National Bylaws of The Rho Chi Society
Article I: Name
This organization shall be named The Rho Chi Society. Alternatively, The Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society may be used in reference to The Rho Chi Society. Member chapters of The Rho Chi Society shall be designated by a Greek letter or letters in the alphabetical order in which each chapter is chartered.
Article II: Vision and Mission
Section 1.
The Society’s vision is to achieve universal recognition of its members as lifelong intellectual leaders in pharmacy. As a community of scholars, the Society will instill the desire to pursue intellectual excellence and critical inquiry to advance the profession.
Section 2.
The mission of the Society is to encourage and recognize excellence in intellectual achievement and foster fellowship among its members. Further, the Society encourages high standards of conduct and character, and advocates critical inquiry in all aspects of pharmacy.
Article III: Members
Section 1.
Member Designations. The Society shall consist of collegiate (professional students, graduate students, and faculty), associate, alumni and honorary members who have been elected to membership in accord with provisions of these Bylaws. Individuals are elected to membership through member chapters of the Society, or, in the case of Honorary Members, through the Society’s Executive Council. Individuals shall become members of the Society upon compliance with membership requirements, election to membership by the active members of local chapters, report and payment of member fees to the National Office, and after being duly initiated by the chapter membership.
Section 2.
Member Qualifications. The qualifications outlined below are considered to be minimum standards. Chapters may set higher membership standards provided that academic qualifications are the essential criteria. Discrimination in membership selection that is based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, national origin or ancestry, age, sexual orientation, or disability is prohibited.
Section 3.
Collegiate Membership. Eligible for election as full collegiate members are:
a) Professional entry-level degree students who:
- are full-time students enrolled in a professional pharmacy program with Accreditation Status from the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), or the Canadian Council for the Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs, and
- have completed no less than one-half of the required pre-Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (pre-APPE) professional course work as defined for their degree, and
- are among the highest 20 percent of their class as determined by the school or college in which they are enrolled using one or a combination of procedures described below, and
a) Professional Grade Point Average (GPA);
b) Cumulative GPA;
c) When non-traditional grading systems are used such as High pass/Pass/Low pass/Fail, professional grades may be converted to weighted scales using H=4.0, P=3.0, L=2.0, and F=0, and a GPA may be calculated;
d) Chapters may invite students to submit applications for membership that account for students’ performance related to the society’s mission, including evidence of intellectual achievement, critical inquiry, and/or intellectual leadership. The application and review must be a documented, standardized process as determined and approved by the school or college and must align with the guidance provided by the National Office of the Society.
NOTE: In determining the highest 20 percent, chapters must use the same criteria for all students.
- are among the highest 20 percent of their class, where the chapter shall base the number of students in the highest 20 percent upon class size at the time those students become eligible for membership in the Rho Chi Society, and
NOTE: If the 20 percent calculation results in a fraction, the number should be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number. Once the class size is determined, the number may not be increased or decreased due to addition, attrition, or early graduation. In exceptional circumstances, e.g., an arithmetic tie that cannot otherwise be resolved, a chapter may petition the National Office for an exception providing clear explanation for consideration of the request. Such petition is to be signed by both the Chapter Advisor and the Dean, or designee, of the school/college or university, - have attained a minimum professional GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, when the school or college in which they are enrolled uses GPA, and
- have been certified eligible for membership by the dean of the pharmacy school or the dean’s designee. The dean or the dean’s designee shall certify that candidates have no known disciplinary action for academic dishonesty, misconduct, or unprofessional behavior.
b) Post-Baccalaureate Membership. All Post-Baccalaureate Doctor of Pharmacy students who:
- have completed no less than one-half of the required pre-APPE professional course work as defined for their degree with the stipulation outlined in Section 3. a) 2. above, and
- have maintained a professional GPA of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale in post-baccalaureate course work, and
- are nominated for membership by a student member of Rho Chi or by a member of the faculty, and
- meet the requirements for membership set forth in Section 3. a) 6. above.
c) Graduate Membership. All graduate students who:
- are pursuing a Master of Science or a Doctor of Philosophy degree and are majoring in one or more areas of pharmaceutical study mentored or supervised by a member of the pharmacy faculty, and
- have completed no less than one-half of the required course work as defined for their degree by the program, and
- have maintained the equivalent of a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale in graduate course work.[For calculation purposes, graduate grades are converted to weighted scales (H = 4.0; P=3.0, L=2.0; F=0),] and
- meet the requirements for membership set forth in Section 3. a) 6. above.
d) Faculty Membership. Faculty members who:
- are appointed in a school or college of pharmacy, and
- are eligible to vote on faculty matters of the school or college of pharmacy, and
- have a principal duty to instruct or hold research or administrative appointments in the school or college of pharmacy, and
- are nominated to membership by a full collegiate member of the Society or self, and meet the requirements for membership set forth in Section 3. a) 6. above.
Section 4.
Associate Membership. Eligible for election as associate members are graduates of an ACPE-accredited Baccalaureate or Doctor of Pharmacy degree program who:
- achieved a professional and cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale at graduation, and
- have, since graduation, exhibited evidence of intellectual excellence and critical inquiry, and
- are nominated by a full collegiate member of the Society, and
- are invited to apply for associate membership by an established collegiate chapter and
- have their applications favorably reviewed by the sponsoring chapter, the school or college dean, and the appropriate Regional Councilor.
In regular meetings of the active chapters of the Society, associate members shall have all privileges of full collegiate members except the right to vote and to hold office.
Section 5.
Honorary Membership. Eligible for election as honorary members are persons who have given evidence of distinguished scholarship or rendered distinguished service to pharmacy and have been elected to such membership in accord with the provisions stated in these Bylaws. Honorary membership is among the highest distinctions afforded by the Society.
Honorary members may be nominated by any chapter or by any member of the Executive Council. Nominations, including qualifications of the nominees, shall be submitted in writing to the National Office and thus to the Executive Council. To achieve the goal of induction into membership during the National Convention, nominations must be in the National Office three months before the Convention. Election to honorary membership requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership of the Executive Council. Induction of honorary members shall usually occur during the National Convention. An appropriate certificate and insignia shall be issued to each honorary member. Honorary members shall not have the right to vote or hold office.
Section 6.
Charter Membership. The charter members of a chapter shall consist of professional and graduate students currently enrolled in the school of pharmacy or those who have graduated within one year of the time the charter is granted and of members of the institution’s teaching staff who are eligible for induction as full collegiate members. No student, graduate or professional, or faculty member is eligible as a charter member if already elected to full collegiate membership in another chapter of the Society. The charter members shall meet the membership requirements as listed above. Alumni of the school or college beyond one year of their graduation are not eligible for charter membership, but may be elected as associate members.
Section 7.
Chapter Affiliation. Any member of the Society who may change residence shall be entitled to affiliation with the local chapter upon presentation and acceptance of satisfactory credentials from the National Office. Such members shall have the same active, collegiate, associate, alumni or honorary status in the new chapter as was held in the chapter from which membership was transferred.
Section 8.
Member Election. Duly qualified candidates for collegiate or associate membership in the Society shall become members-elect upon receiving the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the voting chapter members present providing that a quorum as defined in the chapter’s bylaws is met.
a) Chapters may elect members annually or semi-annually.
b) A quorum of voting members, as defined by the chapter bylaws, is required for the conduct of new member elections.
c) A majority vote of the chapter membership present is required for election of new members.
d) Notice of election to membership shall be made in writing.
e) Prior to their initiation, members-elect may participate in chapter projects and activities. However, members-elect are not eligible to vote on matters before the chapter or to hold office.
Section 9.
Member Fees. The national member fee for new members will be set by the Executive Council. This fee, which includes the cost of a member certificate and insignia, shall be paid to the National Office for each member initiated.
a) The cost of a banquet or other special event associated with the initiation ceremony may be assessed in excess of the national member fee.
b) There shall be no initiation fee for honorary members.
c) Each chapter may assess reasonable annual dues for its members as it sees fit.
Section 10.
Initiation of Members. Collegiate and associate members shall be initiated according to the official ceremony.
a) Honorary members shall be inducted at the National Convention if possible.
b) A membership certificate shall be presented to each elected member at the time of initiation. The certificate will be signed by the National President and the Chapter President and shall bear the official seal of the Society. All certificates shall be obtained through the National Office and shall be the expense of the chapter ordering them.
c) A membership insignia shall be presented to each elected member at the time of initiation. All insignia shall be obtained through the National Office and shall be the expense of the chapter ordering them.
Section 11.
Insignia. The insignia of the Society shall be in the form of a watch key, embodying the Greek letters rho and chi in a definite configuration raised upon an oblong eight-sided base. The official seal shall be the same general configuration as the insignia. The colors of the Society shall be purple and white. The official banner should be purple and white with the official insignia of the Society in the center, the words “Rho Chi” appearing above the insignia and the words “Pharmacy Honor Society” appearing below the insignia. Where college or university policies permit, official honor cords or medallions, obtained through the National Office, may be worn by members of active chapters during commencement exercises conducted by their respective school or college of pharmacy. Honor cords and medallion ribbons shall be purple and/or white in color.
Section 12.
Disqualification and Loss of Membership. Eligibility and election to active membership in the Society is determined by member chapters of the Society in accord with guidelines established within these National Bylaws. In like fashion, disqualification and removal of an individual from membership will usually be initiated by the Dean or designee, of the college or university on behalf of the local chapter and confirmed by The Rho Chi Society.
Collegiate members (professional students, graduate students, and members of the faculty) may be disqualified and removed from membership following disciplinary action taken against the member for reasons of academic dishonesty, misconduct, or unprofessional behavior in accord with college or university policies. Alumni and associate members may be disqualified and removed from membership for violation of a code of professional conduct or conviction for felonious acts.
Disqualification of collegiate, alumni, or associate members shall be reported in writing to the National Office and shall be signed by the Dean, or designee, of the college of university. At the same time, the member in question shall be notified in writing of the chapter’s intended action and of the member’s right to appeal within two weeks of the date of that notification. In instances in which the member wishes to appeal the dismissal, the following procedure shall be implemented:
The member in question shall contact the National Office in writing within two weeks of the date of the official notification of disqualification stating any reason or reasons that the local action should not be implemented by The Rho Chi Society.
a) The member in question shall contact the National Office in writing within two weeks of the date of the official notification of disqualification stating any reason or reasons that the local action should not be implemented by The Rho Chi Society.
b) The member in question shall release the Rho Chi Society in writing allowing the Society to discuss the circumstance(s), in confidence, among members of its Executive Council.
c) The Executive Vice President shall review the decision of the chapter and any appeal in consultation with two other members of the Executive Council. All notices of disqualification and appeals are referred to the full Executive Council for final consideration which shall, by majority vote, affirm or reject the disqualification.
d) The Executive Vice President shall transmit the decision of the Executive Council in writing to the appellant and to the Dean, or designee, of the collegiate chapter.
Article IV: Member Chapters
Member Chapters of The Rho Chi Society may be established at universities, schools, or colleges that are members of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, and have curricular programs that are accredited by appropriate state and regional accrediting bodies and (“full accreditation”) by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) or the Canadian Council for the Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs.
Section 1.
At least five membership-eligible students shall be necessary for the establishment of a chapter. The petition for a chapter is sent to the National Office for submission to the Executive Council. If the petition is approved by a majority vote of the Council, it shall be sent to the active chapters for their approval. An affirmative vote of three-fourths of the active chapters shall be necessary for the granting of a charter.
Section 2.
Charter fees for new chapters will be set by the Executive Council. The charter fee, paid to the National Office at the time a petition is submitted, does not include costs for national member fees for charter members. Additional costs include expenses incurred for a national officer to preside during the chapter installation.
Section 3.
Any chapter failing for three successive years to have a delegate in attendance at the National Convention shall be declared “Inactive” by the Executive Council and may not elect members unless and until reinstated. “Attendance at the National Convention” shall be defined by the Executive Council, and chapters and delegates shall be advised of this criterion at least one month before the National Convention. Attendance may include, for example, virtual attendance at the National Convention, voting as part of the National Convention, or as otherwise defined by the Executive Council.
Section 4.
A chapter may be declared “Inactive” by the Executive Council when the school or college in which the chapter is located has been placed on probation or fails to attain or retain accreditation by appropriate state or regional accrediting bodies, the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, or by the Canadian Council for the Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs. As an “Inactive” chapter, that chapter may not elect new members unless and until reinstated.
Section 5.
An “Inactive” chapter may be considered for reinstatement through petition to the Executive Council. Such petition, as a minimum, shall be in the form of letters of appeal and commitment from both the chapter advisor and dean of the school or college. Reinstatement will require a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council.
Article V: National Officers
and Regional Councilors
Section 1.
The National Officers shall include a President, Immediate Past-President, President-Elect, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Historian and Treasurer. Regional Councilors shall represent specific geographic regions defined in concordance with national Pharmacy organizations such as the American Pharmacists Association (and its Academy of Students of Pharmacy) and/or the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy) or as specified by the Society’s Executive Council.
Section 2.
National Officers and Regional Councilors shall serve two-year terms, with the exception of the Executive Vice President, who shall serve a five-year term. The Executive Vice President and Historian may serve successive terms without limit, while the Secretary, Treasurer and Regional Councilors may be elected to two successive two-year terms.
Section 3.
The candidates for national office shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee. At least one candidate shall be nominated for each office. Biographical information on all candidates will be distributed to chapter delegates and alternates by the National Office prior to the National Convention. Additional nominations from the floor of the Convention may be made by any delegate who has a biographical sketch and a signed statement from the nominee agreeing to serve, if elected.
Section 4.
The election of National Officers and Regional Councilors shall take place at or within several weeks before the National Convention of the Society unless the President calls for a special election. Election will be conducted as directed by the Executive Council. A simple majority of the votes cast by the voting delegates will be required to elect. In the event of a tie vote, the Executive Vice President shall break the tie by polling the remaining National Officers.
All delegates or alternates representing member chapters shall be eligible to cast ballots for National Officers but only delegates or alternates from Chapters within the geographic region shall be eligible to cast ballots for the Councilor to be elected from that region. The Executive Vice President shall be elected by majority vote of the Executive Council from among one or more nominees presented by the National President.
Section 5.
The officers thus elected shall take office upon installation at the close of the National Convention. They shall serve for two years or until their successors are duly elected and installed.
Section 6.
A national officer other than the Executive Vice President may be removed from office by a three-fourths vote of active chapters. The Executive Vice President may be removed from office by three-fourths vote of the Executive Council.
Section 7.
If for any reason a vacancy occurs in any national office, it shall be filled by the Executive Council.
Article VI: Responsibilities of National
Officers and Regional Councilors
Section 1.
National President. The National President shall perform such duties as usually pertain to the office of president including, but not limited to, planning and presiding over the National Convention of the Society and meetings of the Executive Council, appointing members to committees of the Society, and installing new chapters.
Section 2.
Executive Vice President. The Executive Vice President is the chief administrative officer of the Society. The Executive Vice President shall conduct the business of the Society in accord with the Society’s Bylaws and with policies established by the Executive Council. As executive head of the Society, this officer shall direct the National Office and shall employ, direct, and supervise all members of the Society’s staff. The Executive Vice President shall represent the Society to the Association of College Honor Societies. The Executive Vice President shall receive suitable compensation as determined by the Executive Council.
Section 3.
President-Elect. In the absence of the National President, the National President-elect shall perform the duties of the office of the National President. The President-elect shall chair the Chapter Awards Committee.
Section 4.
Secretary. The National Secretary shall, in consultation with the National President and Executive Vice President, develop the agenda for the National Convention of the Society and the Executive Council meetings. The National Secretary shall record and maintain the records of the proceedings of those meetings and distribute copies to local chapters and members of the Executive Council via the National Office. The National Secretary shall serve as chair of the Communications Committee.
Section 5.
Historian. The Historian shall gather the archival records of the Society and shall forward these to the National Office, which will serve as the repository for these records. The National Historian shall serve as the editor of the publication The Rho Chi Society and, at the discretion of the Executive Council, provide for the periodic revision and update of that publication. The Historian shall also serve as ex-officio Chair of the Rho Chi Lecture Award Committee.
Section 6.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall monitor and report at least quarterly, in collaboration with the Executive Vice President and consultation with the Executive Council, the organization’s financial affairs, including operating and investment funds. The Treasurer will present the following to the Executive Council: annual budget, annual external audit report, annual investment report as well as routine updates of income and expenses.
Section 7.
Regional Councilors. Regional Councilors are members of The Rho Chi Society who represent the interests of chapters in their region on the Executive Council and who promote the mission and vision of the Society through their interactions with the chapters they represent. In many instances, Regional Councilors will be or will have been Faculty Advisors for their school or college chapter. In their role, Regional Councilors serve as the elected representatives of the chapters in their region and thus, are a critical link to the National organization. Regional Councilors should have a thorough knowledge of the Society and its Bylaws, especially as they apply to local chapter conduct. Regional Councilor responsibilities include but are not limited to:
a) advising local chapter advisors and officers in determinations of eligibility for membership in the Society, election of new members, submission of Chapter Membership Election Reports, and initiation of new members;
b) facilitating discussion of common interests among regional chapter officers;
c) informing and guiding local chapter officers and members regarding Society awards and scholarships;
d) encouraging timely reporting of chapter officers’ names and contact information to the National Office;
e) ensuring that timely, complete, and accurate chapter reports are submitted to the National Office. Likewise, Councilors should reinforce information from the National Office directed to Advisors, Officers, and members;
f) ensuring chapter representation at the Society’s National Convention; and
g) participating in scheduled meetings of the Society and its Executive Council.
Article VII: Committees
Section 1.
The Society shall have the following standing committees: Nominating, Scholarship/Fellowship, Faculty Advisor Award, Rho Chi Lecture Award, Chapter Awards, Auditing, and Communications. These committees shall report each year at the Annual Convention of the Society.
Section 2.
Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past-President, who serves as Chair, and the Regional Councilors. Councilors from the even-numbered regions shall be appointed to the committee in even-numbered years and those from the odd-numbered regions shall be appointed to the committee in odd numbered years. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to provide nominees for the office of President-elect, Treasurer, and Councilors for the even-numbered regions in odd-numbered years and for Secretary, Historian, and Councilors for the odd-numbered regions in even-numbered years. The Committee shall develop a slate of new officers and councilors by October when the Committee will present the slate for review by the full Executive Council.
Section 3.
Faculty Advisor Award Committee: The Faculty Advisor Award Committee shall consist of the Award recipients from the previous three years. The recipient with three years tenure on the committee shall act as chair. It shall be the duty of the Faculty Advisor Award Committee to solicit nominations and select the recipient of the Rho Chi Faculty Advisor Award.
Section 4.
Rho Chi Lecture Award Committee: The Rho Chi Lecture Award Committee is composed of three members appointed by the National President. The appointment is for three years. The Historian shall serve as ex-officio Chair of the Committee. It shall be the duty of the Lecture Award Committee to: review the nominations process and recommend changes that would improve the number of nominations received by the Executive Council; solicit nominations for the Rho Chi Lecture Award; present the top nominees to the Executive Council; and coordinate the hosting of the Rho Chi Lecture Award recipient at the National Convention.
Section 5.
Chapter Awards Committee: The Chapter Awards Committee shall consist of the President-Elect, who serves as Chair, and the eleven Regional Councilors. It shall be the responsibility of the Chapter Awards Committee to select recipients for the Rho Chi Chapter Achievement and Rho Chi Chapter Project Proposal Awards.
Section 6.
Scholarship/Fellowship Committee: The Scholarship/Fellowship Committee is composed of three members appointed by the National President for six-year terms. The President of the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education serves as an ex officio member of the selection committee for the Rho Chi – AFPE First Year Graduate Scholarship. The term of the members shall be staggered with the National President making an appointment of new members in odd-numbered years. Committee members serve as Chair during the final two years of their six-year term. It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to promote the availability of all Rho Chi Scholarships and Fellowships, review applications and determine recipients for scholarships, the number and amount of which, if any, is determined by the Executive Council. Recipients shall be announced at the National Convention.
Section 7.
Auditing Committee: The Auditing Committee shall consist of three members appointed annually by the National President. It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee to audit the financial records of the Society for the immediate past year and to report the results of the audit at the National Convention.
Section 8.
Communications Committee: The Communications Committee shall consist of up to nine members appointed annually by the National President. The National Secretary will serve as chair, and committee members shall include at least one member from the National Office, Regional Councilors, Faculty members (not Regional Councilors), Chapter Award Winner student representative(s), and Student members (non-chapter award winners). The Communications Committee shall monitor website functionality, promote communication with Rho Chi chapters, determine social media campaigns, engage members via social media, coordinate with other committees/taskforces to promote activities of the Society, and other activities and responsibilities as determined by the Executive Council or National President.
Article VIII: Chapter Officers
Each member chapter shall designate in its bylaws the following elected offices: President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer (or a Secretary and a Treasurer) and Historian. A member chapter may have additional elected officers as deemed necessary by the chapter. Each member chapter shall designate in its bylaws the duties of the officers, the duration of their office, and the manner of their election. Each member chapter shall have a faculty advisor.
Section 1.
Based on the individual Chapter’s Constitution and/or Bylaws, additional duties may be assigned to the elected Chapter officers. Additional officers may be elected, as prescribed by the Chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws, to fulfill the needs of the Chapter.
Section 2.
Chapter President: The Chapter President is the presiding officer of the local Rho Chi Society Chapter and shall conduct the chapter in a fashion consistent with the vision and mission of the Society. It shall be the responsibility of the Chapter President to:
a) in consultation with fellow officers and members, establish the agenda for Chapter meetings and at the appointed time, call the meeting to order after ascertaining that a quorum is present.
b) conduct the business scheduled to come before the assembled Chapter members.
c) state and put to vote all questions that legitimately come before the Chapter members as motions and to announce the result of each vote.
d) expedite business in every way compatible with the rights of members, including deciding all questions of order.
e) authenticate when necessary, all acts, orders and proceedings of the assembled membership.
f) declare meetings adjourned when the assembled membership so votes or at the time prescribed.
Section 3.
Chapter Vice President: The Chapter Vice President, in the absence of the President, assumes the responsibilities of the President.
Section 4.
Chapter Secretary: The Chapter Secretary is the recording officer for the chapter and custodian of its records, except those specifically assigned to others. It shall be the responsibility of the Chapter Secretary to:
a) serve as the primary communication conduit between the Chapter Officers and Chapter membership
b) keep a record of all proceedings (minutes) of the chapter.
c) keep on file all Chapter committee reports.
d) keep the Chapter’s official membership roll.
e) make the minutes and records available to Chapter members upon request.
f) notify officers, committee members and delegates of their election or appointment and furnish committees with documents required to perform their duties.
g) maintain paper-based or electronic records in which the bylaws, special rules of order, standing rules and minutes are entered
h) prepare, in consultation with the presiding officer, an order of business for each meeting.
i) in the temporary absence of the Chapter President and Vice President, call the meeting to order and preside. In the permanent absence of the Chapter President and Vice President, the Secretary shall serve as President until an election replacing the President is held.
Section 5.
The Chapter Treasurer: Is the officer entrusted with the Chapter funds. The specific duties will vary depending on the individual chapter Bylaws. The Treasurer cannot disburse funds except by authority of the Chapter or as the Chapter Bylaws prescribe. The Treasurer should assume responsibility for the preparation of the budget for the year in which s/he holds office, and is required to make a full financial report annually or as prescribed by the Chapter’s Bylaws.
Section 6.
Chapter Historian: The specific duties will vary depending on the individual chapter Bylaws. Together with the Chapter Secretary, the Chapter Historian shall prepare and submit the Chapter’s Annual Report to the Society’s National Office, and maintain a narrative or photographic archive of significant chapter activities during his/her term of office.
Section 7.
Faculty Advisor(s): Rho Chi Society Faculty Advisors are faculty members of their respective institution who are members of The Rho Chi Society, who have an interest in the welfare of local student members and their chapter, and who are appointed in their role by the Dean (or designee) of the School or College of Pharmacy. The Society does not require a limit in the length of an appointment as Faculty Advisor. Faculty Advisors are a critical link to the National organization and in effect, act as the local representative of the Society. In that role, they should have a working knowledge of the Society and its Bylaws, especially as they apply to local chapter conduct. Advisor responsibilities include but are not limited to:
a) Direction and review of local determinations of eligibility for membership in the Society. Direction of local chapter elections of new members, review and timely submission of Chapter Membership Election Reports, and conduct of local initiation of new members.
b) Ensuring that timely, complete, and accurate chapter reports are submitted to the National Office. Likewise, the advisor should distribute information from the National Office directed to Advisors, Officers, and members.
c) Informing and guiding local chapter officers and members regarding Society awards and scholarships.
d) Timely reporting of chapter officers’ names and contact information to the National Office.
e) Ensuring Chapter representation at the Society’s National Convention. Advisors are encouraged to attend the National Conventions of Rho Chi and may act as delegate in the absence of a student delegate.
f) Attendance at all official Chapter meetings.
g) Assuring that the financial matters of the local chapter are in good order.
h) Attendance at Society-conducted Faculty Advisors’ meetings.
Article IX: The Executive Council
Section 1.
The Executive Council shall be the governing body of the Society. It shall transact business relating to the Society as a whole in the interim between National Conventions.
Section 2.
The Executive Council shall consist of the National Officers, Regional Councilors, and Student Representatives who shall be members of Chapters receiving the most recent Chapter Awards. Student Representatives shall be installed with newly-elected National Officers and Regional Councilors at the National Convention and shall serve until replaced by Student Representatives at the next or succeeding National Convention.
Article X: The National Office
Section 1.
The Society shall establish and maintain a National Office adequately staffed and equipped to serve the members of the Society.
Section 2.
The duties and responsibilities of the National Office of the Society shall include: supervision of the election of new members of the Society and maintenance of membership records, issuance of charters and installation of new chapters, assistance to national officers in the conduct of the duties and responsibilities of their respective offices, publication of reports and papers as requested by the Executive Council, management of the financial assets and liabilities of the Society, and other duties as authorized by the Executive Council. Management of the finances of the Society shall be handled in accordance with policies established by the Executive Council and shall be subject to annual review by the Auditing Committee.
Article XI: National Conventions
Section 1.
A National Convention of the Society shall be held annually to conduct the business of the Society. The Executive Council shall have the authority to designate the time and place of the convention.
Section 2.
The agenda for the National Convention shall be determined by the National President in consultation with the Executive Vice President and the National Secretary.
Section 3.
Each active chapter shall be entitled to one voting delegate and one alternate. Alternate delegates shall be allowed all privileges, but may only vote in the absence of the voting delegate. Chapters are encouraged to assist delegates and alternates in meeting expenses associated with attendance at the National Convention.
Section 4.
Chapters shall report their official delegates to the National Office prior to the National Convention as directed by the Society’s National Office.
Section 5.
The voting body of the National Convention shall consist of one delegate or alternate delegate from each chapter and the National Officers. Proxies shall not be recognized. Voting delegates from one-third of the active chapters shall constitute a quorum. In the event of a quorum being unobtainable, business may be transacted and then communicated to chapters for ratification, which will require a two-thirds affirmative vote.
Section 6.
The Executive Vice President or designee will oversee the execution and tabulation of the voting process, and the Executive Vice President will submit the election results for verification by the ad hoc Credentials Committee. The Credentials Committee will be comprised of the Executive Vice President and two National Officers not balloted in the current election.
Article XII: Amendments
Section 1.
All amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented in writing at the National Convention or to each member chapter through the National Office.
Section 2.
Amendments shall require an affirmative vote by a majority of the Executive Council and an affirmative vote by three-fourths of the total number of active member chapters for their approval. Ordinarily, balloting on all new amendments shall take place at the National Convention, but special balloting on amendments may be authorized by the Executive Council at its discretion.
Article XIII: Dissolution
Section 1.
In the event a collegiate chapter becomes inactive or its charter is revoked, all funds on hand after liabilities have been paid, all equipment bearing the name of the Society, and all records pertaining to chapter activities shall revert to the Society. Appropriate arrangements for storage or disposition of these materials shall be made by the National Office.
Section 2.
Upon dissolution of the Society, the assets of the Society shall, after payment of all liabilities, be distributed equally to all colleges and universities where member chapters reside to be used for the education of pharmacy students.
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