Our Vision
The Rho Chi Society seeks to advance pharmacy through sustained intellectual leadership.
Our Mission
As the academic honor society in pharmacy, the Rho Chi Society:
- Encourages and recognizes intellectual achievement
- Stimulates critical inquiry to advance pharmacy
- Contributes to the development of intellectual leaders
- Promotes highest ethical standards
- Fosters collaboration
- It recognizes and rewards outstanding scholarly attainment, and
- It thereby encourages and stimulates outstanding scholarship. The attainment of membership in an honor society is not only the highest achievement of social approbation by a select few, but it also encourages others to attain for themselves such recognition and approbation.
The Society’s Constitution was first drafted in 1912. The latest revision to the National Bylaws was approved in March 2023.
National Office
Under the direction of the Rho Chi Society Executive Council, the Rho Chi Society National Office was established at the University of North Carolina in 1998. Recently, the National Office relocated to the University of Michigan in 2019. The primary goal of the National Office is to facilitate member chapters in their pursuit of the Mission and Vision of the Society.
- Conduct Society business in accordance with the Bylaws
- Maintain active communication with collegiate and alumni members
- Develop and maintain the Society’s webpage
- Communicate on a regular basis to member chapters
- Assist in local chapter development
- Initiate new chapter development
- Increase Society visibility at all levels
- Represent the Society s at major national pharmacy meetings
- Coordinate the various awards of the Society
- Cultivate alumni support for the Society
- Serve as a resource for chapters
- Coordinate revenue-generating activities
Forms for annual reports, officer and advisor changes and regional meetings can be found under the Chapter Resources drop-down menu.
Karen B. Farris serves as the Executive Vice President and Julie Seeger is the Society’s Program Manager. To contact the National Office please call (734) 615-4898 or e-mail rhochisociety@umich.edu.
The Rho Chi Society
College of Pharmacy
428 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1065
Email: RhoChiSociety@umich.edu
Telephone: (734) 615-4898
Strategic Plan Goals for 2019-2023
Goal 1. Encourage and recognize intellectual achievement
- Implement expectations of chapter activities that focus on intellectual leadership and scientific achievement.
- Promote sustained engagement of members
Goal 2. Stimulate critical inquiry to advance pharmacy
- Encourage critical inquiry in chapter activities
Goal 3. Contribute to the development of intellectual leaders
- Develop and distribute resources for chapter use to stimulate and promote intellectual leadership.
Goal 4. Promote highest ethical standards
- Facilitate strategy to promote the highest ethical standards in the personal and professional behavior of Rho Chi members.
Goal 5. Foster Collaboration
- Use social media to increase communication between and among all Rho Chi members.
- Collaborate with other organizations in pharmacy to increase interactions among members toward the goal of advancing pharmacy through critical inquiry and intellectual leadership.